The other day while shopping at Old Navy with my dear hubby, I was getting frustrated in finding the right size and fit of jeans. (Every jean is on sale right now for $19 by the way!).. Ahem, anyway.. I had only found one pair that were 'my size'. (They didn't end up fitting, hence the "my size"). Apparently I am not the size I thought I was. My frustration would have ended there, had they been too big. Ha! Only in a perfect world. They were too small and at that moment I decided NO WAY was I going to go UP a size. Hell no! My DH then proceeded to tell me that I "wasn't much bigger than when we met". (HUGE eye roll inserted). He then asked me to grab the size of jeans I was when we were dating and show him compared to the ones I tried on. BAZINGA! Obviously he could tell the difference. Clearly.
We had already been talking the last few days about weight loss and how we wanted to start eating better & shedding some pounds. This all came about because my MIL went to a weight loss doctor and is now on a pre-diabetic diet. (she's doing awesome BTW). So it's been a little bug in our ear since then. Well, after my latest shopping adventure, it was time. Hubby (surprisingly) agreed to start this journey with me. We talked about meals, portion control, exercising, controlling blood sugars, etc. He was on board! Now I had no excuse.
So.. today we started the diet. We are both not big on breakfast, so it was the meal I feared the most. I know it is so important in a daily diet, even when you are not trying to lose weight, but even more when you are. Typically, Hubby skips breakfast and mine is limited to various cups of coffee. For our first day I decided on a 2 egg (1 yolk, 2 egg whites) omelet, filled with low fat cheese, mushrooms and diced ham, alongside 2 pieces of whole grain toast for Hubby. For myself, I had Oatmeal with diced apples, sprinkled with a little Splenda, with one cup of coffee, sweetened with Splenda. I was satisfied and didn't finish the entire bowl of Oatmeal. Hubby was a little hesitant (he wanted flour tortillas)... but he ate it and other than it being a bit salty, he survived. I plan to take pictures and share with you all about the different meals I come up with and how we are doing once or twice a week :)
I made the decision to blog about this journey mostly for myself. I have decided to share it all.. Pictures, Weight, Measurements... ALL of it. This for me, is motivation (along with a little embarrassment) and I hope it will encourage me to hold myself accountable and keep to the plan. Hubby on the other hand, has not agreed to share his all. :) I will still be updating on his progress, you'll just have to trust me on it.
Starting weight: 219lbs
Measurements: Waist: 46"
Hips: 48"
Bust: 44"
Arms: 12"
And here are the pictures (cringe)
Ugh. Just so you know, it's going to take awhile for me to hit the "Publish Post" button.
I am looking forward to the AFTER pictures even more!
We haven't done Hubby's measurements or weight yet, but I'll post what I can, when we do!
Comments are encouraged (be nice!) to any and all of my posts! Can't wait to share this journey with you all!
Way to go! Good luck, hope you get where you want to be...
Good luck! I have been battling my weight for years so I am excited to see how your journey goes. The most important thing is to find the routine that works for you and stick with it. Finding that routine may take a while and you may have to mix it up every few months but don't give up! :)
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